It is common for people to believe that they can handle their mental health issues on their own. However, the truth is that many of us don’t know how to deal with our problems and eventually find ourselves in a state of anxiety, depression, or other mental health conditions. Luckily, there are various treatments that can help us get back on track, and one of these is group therapy.

Group therapy is a type of psychotherapy that involves a small group of people coming together to share their experiences and feelings with each other under the guidance of a therapist. It is an effective form of treatment that has been found to be just as effective as individual therapy.

In this article, we will look at the benefits of group therapy and how it can improve your mental health.

What is Group Therapy?

Group therapy is best described as a form of psychotherapy that involves a group of individuals who come together under the guidance of a trained professional therapist. The group therapy sessions can have as few as five individuals or as many as 15 or more. The goal of the therapy is to help individuals develop the skills necessary to deal with their mental health issues.

Group therapy sessions generally begin with the therapist asking members of the group to introduce themselves and share what they hope to achieve from the therapy sessions. From there, members are given a chance to share their feelings, fears, and anxieties with the group. The therapist then provides guidance to help members accept, understand, and work through their issues.

The Benefits of Group Therapy

The benefits of group therapy are numerous. Here are some of the most significant gains from participating in group therapy:

Better Perspective:

Group therapy provides a way for individuals to gain a different perspective on their problems. Often, group members will share similar experiences, making it easier to relate and understand each other’s struggles. This increases self-awareness and enhances empathy.

Reduces Isolation:

Having a support system is essential when it comes to mental health. Group therapy offers an opportunity for individuals to meet others who are going through similar things. This can help reduce isolation and feelings of loneliness, ultimately leading to better mental health.

More Affordable:

Going through therapy on your own can be incredibly expensive, but group therapy provides an affordable alternative. Because therapy sessions are divided among the group members, they end up being more cost-effective than individual therapy sessions.

Improved Interpersonal Skills:

Group therapy is an excellent opportunity to work on interpersonal skills. As individuals share more and get comfortable in a safe space, they develop better communication skills and know how to better deal with conflict.

Improved Self-awareness:

Group therapy is an opportunity for individuals to learn about themselves. Members can provide insight into each other’s experiences, which helps with self-awareness and comes in handy when doing personal work outside of the therapeutic environment.

How to Get Involved in Group Therapy

Getting involved in group therapy can be a daunting experience. Here are some tips on how to find the right group therapy for you:

Ask for a Referral:

Speaking to your therapist or general practitioner is one of the best ways to find group therapy sessions.

Check with Your Insurance Provider:

Many insurance providers have lists of recommended therapists that specialize in group therapy.

Search Online:

There are many online directories of therapists who offer group therapy. It is important to do your research before committing to a group.

How to Get the Most Out of Group Therapy

Now that you have found a group therapy that suits your needs, how do you ensure that you are making the most of your experience? Here are some tips:

Attend Regularly:

Consistency is essential when it comes to group therapy. By attending regularly, you will build relationships with other members and develop trust with your therapist.


It can be challenging to open up in a new environment, but participating in therapy is necessary for making progress. Don’t be afraid to share your experiences and feelings, even if you feel like they’re insignificant.

Practice Active Listening:

Group therapy sessions can be incredibly enlightening when you actively listen to what others have to say. Listening helps members gain a better understanding of their experiences.

Be Open to Feedback:

Feedback is necessary for growth. Even if it’s not what you want to hear, be open to feedback from both the therapist and other group members.

The Future of Group Therapy

Group therapy has been around for decades and continues to be an effective treatment option for various mental health issues. It is expected to continue playing a crucial role in mental health treatment.

With the ongoing global pandemic, group therapy sessions have moved to virtual platforms, making it easier for people to participate in therapy from the comfort of their homes.

Despite these benefits, there are still some people who may be hesitant to try out group therapy. But, the reality is the potential benefits that come from participating in a group therapy session outweigh the fears or doubts of group therapy. It is time to open up to the idea of group therapy and the positive impact it can have on our lives.


Group therapy provides relief for those who find themselves struggling with mental health issues alone. By offering an opportunity for individuals to share their experiences, group therapy helps people develop a new perspective on their problems, reduce isolation, and improve interpersonal skills. It is an affordable option for many people who cannot afford individual therapy sessions. If you are struggling, consider attending group therapy sessions and start feeling the benefits of connecting with others.